من: عائض القرني
إلى: الرئيس نيلسون مانديلا
تحية طيبة أيها الرئيس العظيم:
أنا أحد الملايين في مشارق الأرض ومغاربها، الذين قرؤوا سيرتك، وعرفوا
وأُعجبوا بصمودك، وتعجَّبوا من تضحيتك واستبسالك في سبيل مبدئك، ولأجل
حريتك وحرية
شعبك، حتى صرت نجماً في أفق الحرية، وزعيماً عالمياً في مدرسة النضال،
عبقرياً في دستور حقوق الإنسان.
لقد أخذ الناس منك قصة الكفاح، واستفادوا منك رواية المجد وأنشودة الإصرار
فصرت أنت أباً لكثير من المستضعفين الذين سُلبوا حقوقهم، واضطُهدوا في
وحرمهم الاستبدادُ من العيش الكريم، فرأوا فيك مثلاً حياً، وقدوةً حسنةً في
والإصرار والاستمرار، ورفض الظلم، ومواصلة البذل والفداء، حتى تُنال
أيها الرئيس العظيم:
إن الإسلام - دين الله الحق - دين عظيم، يحب العظماء، ويحترم المبدعين،
الشرفاء، وأنت أحدهم.
إنه دينُ المساواة؛ ساوى بين عمر العربي، وبلال الحبشي، وسلمان الفارسي،
الرومي، إنه دينٌ يرفض الظلم، ويحرم الاستبداد، ويُلغي فوارق اللون والجنس
يقول الله - عزوجل"إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم" "
أيها الرئيس العظيم:
إن الإسلام يحتفي بمثلك من العظماء؛ لأنه دين يقدِّر الفضيلة، ويعظِّم
ويحثُّ على العدل، وينشد السلام، وينشر الرحمة، ويدعو إلى الإخاء.
أيها الرئيس العظيم:
لقد حصلتَ على المجد الدنيوي، ونلتَ الشرف العالمي، وأحرزتَ وسام التضحية،
تاج الحرية، فأضفْ إلى ذلك: الظفر بطاعة الله وبالإيمان به، واتباع رسوله "
الله عليه وسلم " ، ولا يكون ذلك إلا بالإسلام، فأسلمْ تسلم، أسلمْ تنلْ
العزَّ في
الدنيا والآخرة، والفوز في الأولى والثانية، والنجاة من عذاب الله. أسلمْ -
الرئيس العظيم - لتحييك الأرض والسماء، ويرحِّبَ بك مليار ومائتا مليون
وتفتَّح لك أبواب الجنة.
أيها الرئيس العظيم:
إنك مكسبٌ للإسلام، ورصيدٌ للمسلمين، وما أجملها أن تنطلق من فمك كلمة الحق
والسلام والحرية: «لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله»، وهي أصدق جملة أنزلها
الله على
الإنسان، وهي سرُّ سعادة الإنسان ونجاته وفرحه ونصره.
أيها الرئيس العظيم:
كلما قابلتُ في بلاد الإسلام علماء وزعماء وأدباء وحكماء قالوا: ليت
مانديلا مسلم)، فأرجوك وآمل منك أن تعلنها قويةً مدويةً خالدةً: «لا إله
إلا الله
محمد رسول الله»، حينها سوف يصفِّق لك عبادُ الله في القارات الست، وتحييك
وتفتح لك الكعبة أبوابها، وتشيد منابر المسلمين باسمك الجميل. أنت صبرت في
سبعاً وعشرين سنة حتى كسرت القيد، وانتصرتَ على الظلم وسحقت الطاغوت،
بإسلامك ملحمةً من الإيمان، وقصةً من الشجاعة، وصورةً رائعةً من صور
أيها الرئيس العظيم:
والله لقد وجدنا في الإسلام - نحن المسلمين - قيمة الإنسان وكرامته، وذقنا
الإيمان ولذة الطاعة، ومتعة العبودية لله، وشرف السجود له، ومجد اتباع
رسوله، ولأنك
عزيز علينا، أثير في نفوسنا - لتاريخك المشرق - فنحب أن تشاركنا هذه الحياة
في ظل الإسلام، والفرصة الغامرةَ في رحاب الدين الخالد.
أيها الرئيس العظيم:
إن الـمُثل العليا التي تدعو لها سوف تجدها مجتمعة في الإسلام، والرحمة
يخفق قلبك بها سوف تلمسها في الإسلام، والعدل الذي تدعو إليه سوف تسعد به
إن الإسلام يحب الصابرين وأنت صابر، ويحترم الأذكياء وأنت ذكي، ويبجِّل
الأسوياء وأنت عاقل سوي، ويحتفي بالشجعان وأنت شجاع.
أيها الرئيس العظيم:
لقد عشت معك أياماً جميلة عبر مذاكرتك: (رحلتي الطويلة من أجل الحرية)،
فوجدت ما
بهرني من عظمتك وصبرك وبسالتك، فقلت: ليت هذا الإنسان الفاضل الألمعي مسلم،
لا أجد ديناً يستأهلك وتستأهله غير الإسلام، ولا أعرف مبدأً يكرم مثلك إلا
لأنه دين الفطرة، يشرح الصدر، ويخاطب العقل، ويهذِّب النفس، ويزكي الأخلاق،
الإنسان، ويعمر الكون.
أيها الرئيس العظيم:
أنا أخاطبك من مكة، من جوار الكعبة؛ حيث نزل القرآن وبُعث محمد صلى الله
عليه وسلم،
وأشرقت شمس الرسالة، وكُسر الصنم، وحُطِّم الطاغوت، وأُعلنت حقوق الإنسان،
الاستبداد، ونُشر العدل والسلام.
يقول ربنا وربك - جل في علاه " فمن يرد الله أن يهديه يشرح صدره للإسلام "
أيها الرئيس العظيم:
إن الحياة قصيرة متعبة فما بالك إذا كانت حياة مثلك من العظماء؛ إذ قضيت
يقارب النصف من عمرك مظلوماً مسجوناً، وهناك حياة الأبد والخلود في حياة
التي ينالها المؤمنون بالله المتبعون لرسله، وأرجو أن لا تفوتك هذه السعادة
وكما يقول الفيلسوف الشهير ديكارت: «إن الحياة مسرحية رأينا المشهد الأول؛
الظالم والمظلوم، والغالب والمغلوب، والقوي والضعيف، فأين المشهد الثاني
الذي يكون
فيه العدل؟!»، فأجابه علماء المسلمين بقولهم: «المشهد الثاني هو يوم الحساب
الآخرة، يوم تُنصب محكمة العدل إذ لا حاكم إلا الله؛ ليوفي كلَّ نفسٍ بما
ويحكم بين عباده فيما كانوا فيه يختلفون».
وفي الختام أسعد بأن أهديك كتابي: (لا تحزن) لعلك تجد فيه إجماع العلماء
العباقرة على أن السعادة في الإسلام.
أسأل الله العظيم رب العرش الكريم أن يشرح صدرك - أيها الرئيس - للإسلام.
وتقبل تحيات المسلمين رجالاً ونساءً وشيوخاً وأطفالاً في كل أصقاع الأرض.
وتقبلوا تحياتي،،،
د. عائض عبدالله القرني
From: Ayedh al-Qarni
To: President Nelson Mandela
Kindest greetings, Great President,
I am one of millions on this globe who have read your autobiography,
your struggle, admired your bravery and wondered about your sacrifices
devotion for the cause of your principles, your freedom and the freedom
of your
people. As a result, we believe, you became a star on the horizon of
freedom, an
international leader in the school of human struggle and a genius
in the realm of human rights and constitutional law.
People were able to learn from your story of struggle. They also learned
you the legend of glory, the song of persistence and challenge. Thus,
you became
the father to so many overpowered people who were stripped of their
dignity, abused in their own homeland and were deprived a decent living,
due to
tyranny and oppression. They had seen in you a living example and an
model in terms of patience, perseverance, persistence, rejecter to
The model of constancy for more dedication and sacrifices until rights
gained and goals realized.
Great President,
Islam, a religion of truth, is a great religion, which loves and
respects great
people, honors intelligent people and greets sincere people. Truly, you
are all
of these.
Islam is the religion of equality; it saw equality between 'Omarm the
Arab, and
Bilal, the Abyssinian, Salman, the Persian, and Sohaib, the Roman. Islam
is a
religion that rejects oppression, bans tyranny and abolishes all the
of color, race and language. Allah the Almighty states in the Glorious
'O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female,
and made
you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye
despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of
Allah is
(he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full Knowledge and
well-acquainted (with all things).'
Virtuous President,
Islam receives with honors great people like you as it is a religion
appreciates the true virtue, honors patience, urges the practice of
seeks peace, spreads mercy and kindness, and calls for a true sense of
fraternity and brotherhood.
Glorious President,
You have truly achieved the best of worldly glory. You have obtained the
rank of international honor and respect. You have acquired the highest
medal of
sacrifice. You have been entitled to wear the crown of freedom. I would
you to add to all of the above, the obedience of Allah the Almighty, to
full faith into Him and to follow His last and final Messenger Mohammed
Peace Be upon Him). This will be achieved only through accepting Islam
as a way
of life. Accept Islam as a way of life to gain full and the utmost
security and
peace. Becoming Muslim entitles you to dignity and honor in both worlds,
one and the next. It would also entitle you to salvation from Almighty's
Great President, I call upon you to embrace Islam in order to receive
the salute
of both; the earth and the heavens in order to be welcomed by over a
billion and
two hundred million Muslims and to open Jannah, the very gates of
Paradise for
Beautiful President,
You would be a true gain for Islam and a real benefit for Muslims. How
would it be to hear the word of Truth, Justice, Peace and Freedom coming
out of
your mouth; that is,
'La ilaha illa Allah, Mohammed Rasool-ullah', [There is no deity worthy
worship but Allah alone, and Mohammed is Allah's Messenger.]
Indeed, this is the most truthful statement ever revealed by Allah to
It is the core secret to man's happiness, salvation, pleasure and final
Heroic President,
Whenever I met a group of scholars and learned men, leaders, men of
letters and
wisdom in the Islamic world, they expressed their wishes and desires
that, 'How
we wish Nelson Mandela were a Muslim!' For you exemplify and embody the
qualities of nobility and honor that Islam enjoins on its followers.
Therefore, I request you, I beseech you, and I do sincerely hope to hear
declaration of Islam loud and clear, the eternal statement, 'La ilaha
Allah, Mohammed Rasool-ullah', [There is no deity worthy of worship but
alone, and Mohammed is Allah's Messenger.] At that time, all
slave-servants of
Allah, the Almighty, in all the six continents will applaud you, the
holy city
of Makkah will salute you, the Door of the holy shrine of Ka'bah will be
for you, and the pulpits of the Islamic world will salute your name in
tumultuous praise.
You have demonstrated patience in prison for twenty-seven long years
until you
finally broke the shackles, overcame oppression and tyranny and crushed
tyrant. [Great President], Record an epic of faith with your story by
embracing Islam, a journey of courage and bravery with a wonderful final
of personal heroism.
Honorable President,
By Allah, we Muslims have recognized, in Islam, the true value of man
and his
honor. We have tasted the beauty and sweetness of faith and felt the joy
being enslaved only to Allah the Almighty alone, which also means our
freedom. We have realized the honor of prostration solely to Allah the
We have recognized the glory of following Allah's Messenger (PBUH). As
you are
dear and near to our hearts, we Muslims, due to your bright and
history, would love you to share with us this in this happy life shaded
the tree of Peace and take advantage of this great and eternal religion
Just President,
We are sure that you will find all the supreme values you call and
struggle for,
are themselves embodied under the shade of Islam. You will find, in
Islam, the
true mercy, which your heart seeks. You will enjoy, in Islam, the true
ultimate justice that you have ever called for.
Islam loves and cherishes those who are patient and perseverant, and you
truly one of them. Islam respects and honors intelligent and
people, and you are truly one of them. Islam respects and values
straight and
wise people, and truly you are a straight and wise man. Islam celebrates
courageous and brave people, and you are truly a brave and courageous
Brave President,
I have enjoyed some beautiful days reading and contemplating your
'My Long Journey for Freedom'. I found in it a striking example of your
greatness, patience and astonishing bravery. I thought to myself, 'I
wish this
noble, highly intellect and virtuous man was a Muslim. By Allah, there
is no
religion, on the face of earth, that deserves more to have a man like
Moreover, there is no man like you, a man of your caliber, who deserves
than Islam. Islam is the religion of the pure natural creation. I,
truly, know
no other ideology that honors and respects both the heart and mind,
the soul and intellect, purifies the heart and psyche, vindicates
honors man and constructs the universe.
Guided President,
I am calling upon you from Makkah, just beside the holy shrine of
Ka'bah, where
the Glorious Quran was revealed, and Mohammed (PBUH), was commissioned
as a
Prophet and Messenger of Allah, the Almighty, to the whole of mankind.
Makkah is
the place where the Light of the Message had first pierced the darkness.
It is
the place where the pagan idols were destroyed, tyrants were deposed,
rights were declared, oppression was removed and Peace and Justice were
Our Lord, Allah the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran in chapter of
Baqara (Cattle) 6:125,
'Those whom Allah (in His plan) willeth to guide, He openeth their
breast to
Islam; those whom He willeth to leave straying,'
Sincere President,
Life is far too short and much too arduous. What about the life of such a
man like you? You have spent almost half of your life oppressed and
while innocent. Truly, there is an eternal life; a life of happiness and
prosperity for those who believe in Allah and follow all His Messengers.
I do sincerely hope that you will not miss such success and happiness!
Descartes; the popular French philosopher, puts it,
'Life is but a play which we had only seen the first scene thereof, the
scene of
the oppressor and the oppressed, the conqueror and the conquered, the
strong and
the weak. Where is the second scene in which justice is prevailing?'
Muslim scholars replied to his question as follows,
'The second scene is the Day of Accountability, in the Hereafter. On
that Day,
Supreme Court of Justice would be set up, as there would be no other
judge but
Allah the Almighty in order that every soul would be paid what it
earned, and
none shall be dealt with unjustly. Allah, on that Day, will judge
between His
slave-servants in their quarrel.'
At the end, it gives me pleasure to present to you my book entitled,
'Don't Be
Sad'. I wish you would conclude, as a result, the consensus of scholars
great wise men that the true happiness is truly found in Islam, for
there is no
Great President, I ask Allah the Almighty, the Lord of the Mighty
Throne, that
He [in His own mystical ways], opens your breast and heart to [accept]
and protects you in this life and the hereafter.
Great President, I wish to convey to you the kindest greetings and
regards of
all Muslims, men, women, elder men and youth all over the corners of the
Please, accept my [most sincere] regards and utmost respect,
'Ayedh al-Qarni, PhD